●フェラーリ 812 Competizioneでスリル満点の走りを見せつけよう!フェラーリと言えば、イタリアを代表するスポーツカーメーカー。そのDNAを受け継ぐ究極の1台が、レゴ(R)スピードチャンピオンシリーズに登場です。実車の特徴を余すところなくとらえ、組み立てとディスプレイを楽しめるレプリカモデルです。もちろん、この車のハンドルを握るドライバーのミニフィギュアも付属しています。 ●leg0 the leg0 logo and the Minifigure are trademarks of the leg0 Group. (C)2023 The leg0 Group. Produced under license of Ferrari S.p.A. The name FERRARI the PRANCING HORSE device all associated logos and distinctive designs are property of Ferrari S.p.A. The body designs of the Ferrari cars are protected as Ferrari S.p.A. property under design trademark and trade dress regulations.
●leg0 the leg0 logo and the Minifigure are trademarks of the leg0 Group. (C)2023 The leg0 Group. Produced under license of Ferrari S.p.A. The name FERRARI the PRANCING HORSE device all associated logos and distinctive designs are property of Ferrari S.p.A. The body designs of the Ferrari cars are protected as Ferrari S.p.A. property under design trademark and trade dress regulations.